Art work 1


Our first shoot was with Nina, who is from the Philippines. We used a white backdrop as we thought that it would be easier to see a projection over. Both Dani and I chose a piece of art from the Philippines, which we then painted each on half her face using makeup and face paint. 

The problems with this shoot were: the white background didn't work as we'd hope, both of us doing makeup at the same time wasn't a good idea, the colours were too dull, not enough research.

Art work 2
I think the most impressive part of this shoot was the fact that I was able to set up the camera by myself; Considering I had never used a camera until last year, I confidently got the right settings we needed. 

Although the shoot wasn't a complete success, it helped us to realise what we wanted and needed to do in order to improve. We researched properly this time, before we undertook our next experimental shoot and gathered a collection of artworks (from our models cultures) that we wanted to use. We also agreed that Dani would do two of our models makeups, whilst I focus on photography and recording the process. Then I would do the makeup for our third model, whilst Dani switches to my roles. This meant that we both had the opportunity to trial out all tasks in the project.



Our second shoot went more smoothly than the first. We went with a black backdrop as we felt this stood out more when projecting. We played around with the lighting until we got the perfect spotlight. One of the lighting issues we faced was that when we set the camera to record, the screen was much darker. To overcome this we added more lighting, until it matched the same level of brightness as the photograph.

Our two models, Michelle from Hong Kong and Reeya from Nepal. Before going into this shoot, Dani and I made clear as to who was going to apply the makeup and what artworks we would look at for inspiration. Unfortunately, we didn't have the brighter face paints to test out - which meant we just had to use makeup that was not bright enough. However, it still gave us workable results.

We decided to record Reeya's makeup process (as planned). For Michelle however, we wanted to trial stop motion. This didn't really work as we had hoped when projecting onto the photographs. Therefore, we decided to stick with just videos as it was more fluid and aesthetic. 

For our next experiment, I would like to apply the makeup on our model as I hadn't had the chance during this experiment. I think we've finally found the right lighting set up and made sure to document it all so that the next time we are quick at setting up.
Michelle & general set-up
Reeya set-up
Camera settings


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