The pictures below show the un-edited and edited final portraits. I edited these in Photoshop and my reason for having done this is so that each photo has the same amount of brightness/exposure and that neither one is too distracting for the others.

As I had mentioned in previous blogs, it was very difficult to get the same lighting for each model - as they are all of a different skin tone, therefore harder to see some features. Also, the lights were moved a lot during the recording process. The way the shoots were planned was that we took a photo of one model, then recorded that same model. This was due to the fact that some of our models were unavailable on certain days. In the future, it would be better to take all the photos first, as the lighting set-up would remain the same and therefore easier. However, this was not possible for us.

Although I the lights were a pain, which meant that I had to edit the photos in post, this was not a major problem. I simple used Michelle's background (the girl on the left) as her lighting was most symmetrical. I cut out both Ravinn and Reeya from their photos and placed them on top of Michelle. I then adjusted any colour around them so that in blended into Michelle's original photo. This process didn't take too long as I'm quite confident with using Photoshop. I also removed any shine from our models faces.

Overall, I think it was a good decision to do this as the photos are now all equal and look better having the same lighting.


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