The original concept for our documentary was based around 'FOMO' - Fear Of Missing Out, where ones anxiety is increased due to missing out on interesting events typically seen via social media. As a group, we discussed research that we had done based around this concept and discovered the effects it has on our physical and mental health. We then began to brainstorm ideas of what it is we'd like to film; We conducted a synopsis of what the documentary would contain.

Our documentary was initially a fictional story following one individual, reflecting real life problems shown through her actions and physical appearance throughout. There was to be a spoken word narrator, whom would provide the audience with facts on the meaning of 'FOMO' and the effects it has.

After having spoken with our tutor, we then realised that we were forgetting the main theme our documentary was based around - 'community'. We then began brainstorming what else it was that we could include into our documentary, focussing on the concept of community. An idea was to hold a fake public gathering of some sort, where we would ask individuals to wait whilst we would "set up". We would then project a (typical) phone notification sound, documenting the how many and which particular individuals looked at their phones first. Another experiment we wanted to conduct was to leave individuals in a waiting room of some sort, and time how long it would take them before looking on their phones.

However, although these ideas were good and doable, the group as a whole were not invested enough into the concept of FOMO to carry it through. So, we had a group meeting to discuss new concepts we could focus on...


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