
Showing posts from November, 2018


After we had decided to scrap the FOMO idea, we discussed other concepts that we each were drawn towards. Finally, we all agreed on Alice's concept of Ghosts and paranormal activity surrounding Surrey. Our idea was to explore ghost/paranormal communities, whom have experiences that they would like to share with us. We intended on gathering all these different groups/individuals to one location, where e could film their discussion to one another, explaining their separate experiences. As a group, we thought it would be interesting to begin our documentary with a short skit; Starring myself, Alice and Izzy whom are all amateur ghost hunter's exploring the woods around us. There were a few problems with planning permissions; We were unable to secure Farnham Park as our chosen skit location. However, Alice ha told us of her (ghost) experience in Bordon Inclosure, and luckily we were able to obtain permission to shoot our skit there. The first day of shooting was not great. It w


The original concept for our documentary was based around 'FOMO' - Fear Of Missing Out, where ones anxiety is increased due to missing out on interesting events typically seen via social media. As a group, we discussed research that we had done based around this concept and discovered the effects it has on our physical and mental health. We then began to brainstorm ideas of what it is we'd like to film; We conducted a synopsis of what the documentary would contain. Our documentary was initially a fictional story following one individual, reflecting real life problems shown through her actions and physical appearance throughout. There was to be a spoken word narrator, whom would provide the audience with facts on the meaning of 'FOMO' and the effects it has. After having spoken with our tutor, we then realised that we were forgetting the main theme our documentary was based around - 'community'. We then began brainstorming what else it was that we cou

The Final Photo

I am very pleased with my final photo; The movement and facial expression demonstrate exactly what I wanted to create. The contrast in the colours of the confetti also works well and adds that little extra something that makes an ordinary photo extraordinary.  However, I believe that this photo could be better; If the face was sharper/more clear, then it would link to my research of Bill Wadman and how he shows movement through dance, but with the models face clear and looking at the camera. I feel that with every piece of art that I produce, there has to be some kind of meaning or it has to portray an emotion/feeling. With this project, I was immediately drawn towards long exposure portraits - as it is something that I had never done and I found the images quite interesting and different. The initial photos that I had looked at were quite daunting and the emotions radiating of the models were very sad. I wanted to create the opposite of this. I really liked the photos

Portrait Experiments

Thanks to the help of Ben Wray, I was able to get the effect that I wanted. He helped me with setting up the camera; decreasing the shutter speed and increasing the exposure along with the strobe lights. I began with a few test shots of having my model (Ben) and myself walk and dance in front of the camera with happy/wild facial expressions - hoping to steer clear of the daunting long exposure portrait images that I had come across in my research. I'm quite pleased with the photo where Ben is waving his arms; He looks so at peace and almost as though he is trying to fly. Personally, I find dancing as a way to escape and feel free - as well as flying. Although the images that I had taken are similar to the ones in my research and exactly what I wanted to achieve, there is still something missing. I decided to experiment with confuting party poppers, (as I had some for another shoot). I found that these worked surprisingly well, as the coloured paper was all blurry

Portrait Research

Having never done photography before, I found it rather difficult to think of cool creative ideas for this portrait project. However, thanks to my friend (Carrie) who inspired me with a piece that she had done last year, where she explores portraiture through dance sequences - using a slow shutter speed and strobe lighting to create this effect. I love the effect this technique has, as it cleverly shows movement in a single photo. To me, the models in Carrie's photos look free; I would like to attempt to show freedom through movement in a single photo. To achieve this, I believe that I would need to lower the shutter speed and increase the exposure. I began my research by investigating photographs that had a long exposure. I discovered that most of these photos were quite dismal - the expressions on the models faces were bleak and empty. This is where I realised that getting my model to dance around should hopefully create a more joyful image. The first photographer I explor

The Joker, The Ace & The Queen

After watching the famous scene in, 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' we had to re-create an intense "card game" filming just by holding the camera. As you can already imagine, the quality of the footage wasn't as clear a it could've been. Regardless, we were able to obtain some really good shots, that would've been hard with having used a tripod. The video is available on YouTube here: