From the start of the filming process, I wanted to have a narrative; Showing the journey from one place to another (from one culture to another). We began by shooting in the studio, capturing portrait shots and using lighting to create mood and juxtaposing with the bright and open outdoor shots. Using spotlights in the dark room highlighted the models, capturing their every emotion and facial expressions. I wanted to use these shots as breakaways from the main storyline. Additional breakaway shots of nature; trees, grass, flowers, a river were all intentional as they all have meaning that link to Martin Luther King's speech. In Siddhartha, the river symbolises the journey towards enlightenment. A tree symbolises stability and growth. All these characteristics were to represent the two, (myself and Manon) as they make their journey towards one another. Another factor I particularly like, (which was non intentional) were that the two models, myself and Manon were both of diff...
good haiku with the third shot having the desired effect of a jump in understanding.